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Why multilingual AI is the future: 6 reasons why

Multilingual AI is AI that is capable of speaking more than one language and its counterpart is monolingual AI

Be aware tho, there is a lot of “multilingual” ai that under the hood translates everything to English. At we don’t like this as this downgrades the performance of other languages. We believe in AI models that speak each language with the same performance and do a lot of R&D to also make SOTA ai available to everyone - regardless of each language.

Here are 6 reasons why multilingual AI is the future

1. Multilingual customers

The number one reason is to be able to also handle non-English speaking customers. In Europe alone, 200+ languages (some non-official) are used in our communication. By not serving these customers with AI we disadvantage them.

In the customer support world, this would mean that someone not speaking English will receive slower and less accurate support. We are striving to not let this happen.

2. Price

What do you think is more expensive: 1 model for +104 languages or 10 models for 10 languages?

Even though the latter only supports 10% of the languages of the first one it is almost 10 times as expensive.

We don’t think much more is needed ;)

3. Effort

Setting up a lot of monolingual models is also a tedious task and often repetitive. Wasn’t the whole goal of using models to avoid repetitive waste??

Setting up one multilingual model takes about the same time and effort as a monolingual model (and even effortless by using our tool *Kuch *Kuch) while having the advantages of multiple monolingual ones.

4. New markets

Europe has a multilingual characteristic. For global companies to break into Europe it is needed to deliver support in the language of the customer. US-based companies often struggle with the fact that their support needs more than one language and need to move away from a monolingual system. our advice is to start thinking multilingual as soon as possible, by also incorporating this into your tech and tools will enable future growth.

5. Rising trends

Studies and research in this area have been ongoing for a while now and it’s expected that new and highly functional multilingual AI models will be trending in the near future. We are riding these waves and achieving state-of-the-art results in bringing real multilingual AI to everyone - regardless of language.

6. Can’t stay behind

This one is maybe more a personal frustration but we - non-English people really can’t stay behind. We can’t let good AI be only useful for English and we really should do an effort to also have good AI in our language. less than 5% speak English and for the remaining 95%, good AI should also be useful. Otherwise, a lot of automation and intelligence will not be useful for them.

It really should be a no-brainer now to only use multilingual NLP - however, be aware of the fake AI vendors, and be safe out there!!