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Getting started with: automated ticket resolution

The ingredients for good customer support are easy: be fast, be accurate and be concise. These 3 combined result in delightful customer support so why isn’t everyone doing this? What can a business use to improve in these fields?

At a certain scale, it becomes really hard to handle tickets. Customer agents are getting drowned in work and a backlog starts piling up. How can a business still handle its customer support without making it expensive?

There is only one tool to handle tickets at scale: automation. Did you know that automatic ticket routing can save up to 53% time (use case numbers) and that a much faster customer response can be achieved?

This article discusses what (automatic) ticket routing is about, and its role of it in customer support. The benefits of it and how to get started.

What is ticket routing?

Helpdesks and email inboxes receive a lot of inbound traffic. This traffic has to end up at the right person or department that is capable of handling this request. Not everyone speaks the same language or knows the same things about the product.

This dispatching is initially done manually. Someone in the company has to assign every incoming ticket to the right person. This task is a bottleneck and quickly becomes an expensive solution.

Automated ticket routing?

The best helpdesk tools can be used to automate ticket routing. This means that instead of manually routing each ticket to the right department or person it can now be done automatically.

There are different ways of doing this. The first one is by using Round Robin. Round robin is an algorithm that divides work among the least busy worker. It originates from how computers schedule programs to run next to each other.

Another way is by using rules. You can think of it as if x then y. These rules can be an initial way of automating but have a lot of disadvantages. First of all, only 10-20% of incoming tickets can be automatically dispatched with rules, leaving a big opportunity open. Secondly: it’s hard to set up these rules and even harder to maintain these. Thirdly, with multiple languages also multiple rules are needed. Also, what about typos?

The more advanced and modern way is by using Machine Learning or Artificial Intelligence (AI). Instead of setting up all rules and tweaking these, a model just easily learns how the dispatching should happen and can start doing it automatically. Solutions like make it possible to easily get started with automated ticket routing.

Automated routing in customer support

Looking at customer support from a customer view there is nothing as frustrating as slow or inaccurate service. AI-based ticket routing systems can be wonderful for your customer support as they make it possible to deliver faster-than-human customer support as it’s more automated.

It however still feels human as it’s only the dispatching that is automated. For complex tickets, the speedup is huge while still having a human-curated answer.

Benefits of automated routing

There a numerous benefits of having automated ticket resolution systems in place. Here are some of these with the biggest impact on your business.


Customer support can quickly become expensive. By adding more automation into the mix, the customer agents can focus more on making the most of their time. A repetitive task such as routing and assigning can be done by an AI.

Companies can see the load on their customer support agents being drastically reduced, enabling to let them focus on value-creating tasks. Companies also often struggle in the “war on talent” to find enough customer support agents, especially when growing fast. Automation can allow them to fill these gaps and deliver more with less.

Faster response

Even for customers, automatic ticket dispatching is helpful as they get a faster response. When dispatching is automated, customers can expect a faster response as there is less manual work involved during the handling of a request.

Dispatching is often a blocker or bottleneck, when this gets resolved a company can expect to have a big improvement in its average handle time (AHT).


For a customer agent, switching between topics is a big productivity trigger. Instead of allowing them to focus on one topic and handle these in the same flow, by forcing them to task switch this flow gets cut up all the time. These switching costs pile up during the day.

By sticking tickets together by topic, these switching costs can be avoided (at all costs). Allowing the agents to get in the flow and work more efficiently.

Immediate Ticket remediation

After dispatching, if a ticket is tagged as a certain recurring question that is present in the knowledge base, it can be resolved immediately. A ticket is handled without any human interaction. This way of handling is often used by product-led growth companies and automatic dispatching can allow them to even further optimize their customer support.

If a business already has standard answers for recurring questions these can be put in a workflow for a certain topic. After an issue is tagged with this topic, the ticket is then automatically handled afterward.


A use case in the insurance world:

Insurance brokers receive a lot of issues. Some of them are about damage claims. If your car burns down you want a fast answer. For insurance brokers it’s currently impossible to, between all the hundreds or thousands of incoming emails, find the ones about damage claims.

Automatic ticket tagging allows them to easily find and filter these important topics and allows them to prioritize them. This way, when it’s urgent, you as a customer can have an even faster response and you as a business can ease the pain of an urgent issue with your fast and good customer support.

Better overview

Customer support managers often want to have a good overview of the current state of customer support. Without topics, it’s hard to see where peaks and issues are currently resolving.

An example in e-commerce is that in January the “refund” topic is much more present as customers are sending back gifts they didn’t want.

Without topics, it’s hard to stay on top and gave a deep insight. These insights are needed to see which current bottlenecks there are and where further automation would yield the most benefits. That’s why at we provide deep insights that allow our customers to go further.

How to get started?

Wondering how to get started with automatic ticket dispatching?

Schedule a call with one of our sales engineers without any obligation. We love talking about customer support and AI and are wondering which issues you are having. Helping is in our DNA and we even might be able to help you with our solution.

From the team: boosting customer support with AI